- 9 Week Study
- Weekly video teachings from author Alisa Keeton
- Weekly emails with guidance & helpful resources
- A workout calendar with live links to Instructor-led workouts
- Bible study
- Weekly online small group meetings
- Food Journal
- Private Accountability Group
- Accountability/Prayer partner
- Support, encouragement, and prayer from a certified Facilitator
*Book + these other BONUSES included and ships to you:
- Custom journal
- Pen/Highlighter/Stylus Combo
- Bookmark
- Stretch bracelet
- Mini Book of Quotes
***IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE BOOK BUT WOULD LIKE THE BONUSES SHIPPED TO YOU, THE COST IS $115. You can make that selection in your purchase.
**IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE BOOK & DON'T CARE FOR ANY OF THE BONUSES SHIPPED TO YOU, THE COST IS $105. You can make that selection in your purchase.
Once you complete your purchase, you will receive an email within 24 hours with all information for participation.
The Wellness Revelation
This purchase is non-refundable. By making this purchase, you are committing to start and complete the study and to participate with your small group at the time selected.